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Access to the degree course in MATHEMATICS

Access to the degree course in MATHEMATICS

Access to the degree course in Mathematics is free.

To gain access, it is necessary to take an Initial Preparation Verification Test ( OFA ) within the first year of the course to verify basic mathematical knowledge.

This test can be taken either with the TOLC I or with an OFA-FIM test organized by the Department. You can register even if you have not passed the test.


The TOLC-I is managed by the CISIA Interuniversity Consortium and is made up of 4 sections: Mathematics (20 questions); Logic (10 questions); Sciences (10 questions); Verbal Comprehension (10 questions). The score obtained in the test is calculated as follows: 1 point for each correct answer; 0 points for each answer not given; -0.25 points for each wrong answer 

The initial preparation verification test is considered passed by reaching a score of 10 points in the "Mathematics" section alone.


The Department independently organizes OFA - FIM recovery tests approximately in the months of December, January, February and May. The dates will be communicated in class and also published on the home page of the Department website. 

The initial preparation verification test is considered passed by reaching a score of 10 points in the "Mathematics" section alone.

For further information, you can contact the teaching secretariat:

An entrance test simulator  for scientific degree courses is available  , with questions similar to those of the official test, which can be used to acquire functional indications for improving initial preparation.

For further information, you can contact the teaching secretariat: