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Contact person: Teaching office


Telephone: 059 2058514

In-person reception times

Internship Office (at DSCG – Via Campi, 103)  
Monday and Wednesday from 10 to 12

Educational secretariat (at FIM – Via Campi 213/a)  
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 12

Please remember that all the services of the Internship Office and Teaching Secretariat can also be used remotely by contacting the staff at the institutional email addresses:  and


- it is a training experience that introduces the student to a working context;   
- it is an activity included in the study plan with obtaining credits;   
- it is not an employment relationship.

Activation process :

Attention! Some degree courses may have internal procedures linked to the organization of internships (minimum number of credits acquired, prior requests for internships to the Degree Course Council, etc.).    
- external to university structures: public and private companies, CNR, CINECA, ... in Italy or abroad.

The internship activity lasts :

  • LT Computer Science: 300 hours for 12 CFU starting from the 2017/2018 cohort (more information on the page on internships of the degree course in computer science );
  • LT Physics: 150 hours for 6 credits;
  • LM Mathematics: 75 hours for 3 credits
  • LM Computer Science: 150 hours 6 credits

To start an INTERNAL INTERNSHIP you need :

  • Register on the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM and send an email to the internship office indicating:   
    Name and surname;   
    Tax ID code;   
    Badge number;   
    Start and end date of the internship;   
    Name and surname Scientific Tutor and Tutor of the host structure;   
    Objectives of the internship;
  • The document must be downloaded through the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM and delivered in paper format complete with signatures to the internship office BEFORE the internship start date.

To start an EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP you need :

  • Check that the host structure has an agreement with the Department . Students are therefore asked to verify this situation in advance with the Internship Office contact person.
  • Students must register on Almalaurea and provide their tax code and student number to the organisation/company, which will insert the training project on the internship platform, in collaboration with the promoting teacher.
  • The student must communicate (also via email) the name and surname of the CHOSEN SCIENTIFIC TUTOR to the internship office.
  • Download the training project from the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM and deliver it in paper format, complete with signatures, to the internship office BEFORE the internship start date.
  • Obtain the certificate of passing the course in FAD mode relating to workplace safety (to be delivered to the Internship Office).
  • You can access the course with your email credentials.

The SicurMore course is made up of various modules of 4 hours each ( access instructions ), to be followed according to the CdL:

  • Computer Science and Mathematics degree students: MODULES 1 and 2;
  • Physics degree students: MODULES 1, 2 and 3

The organizations or companies must be registered on  the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM


- remember to fill in the time sheet for each day of internship and, in case of loss, immediately request a copy from the Internship Office;  
- contact the Internship Office for any problems or doubts relating to the internship;  
- contact the Internship Office if problems arise that require the internship to be interrupted;  
- contact the Internship Office if the internship continues beyond the indicated end date. The communication must be made at least one week before the expected completion date. The Internship Office will extend the internship for the period of time requested by the intern.

Undergraduates and recent graduates are advised to periodically consult the Noticeboard of job and internship offers arriving at the University, managed by the Placement Office, and the Department website page: Job Opportunities and Post-Graduation Internship