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Internal internships for Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in computer science


The Internship is a period that the student spends at universities, public or private research institutions, companies or public bodies, to carry out activities of a predominantly experimental and professionalizing nature, under the guidance of a scientific tutor, reporting to the Council of the Degree Course in Computer Science and, in the case of external activities, of a company tutor designated by the institution/company where the internship takes place.

The curricular internship, foreseen in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Computer Science, introduces the student to a specific work context, that of a University Department or Laboratory, or that of a company, industry or external body in the ICT field:

  • The internal internship usually requires the student to carry out a project and/or research activity proposed by the scientific tutor, who often coincides with the thesis supervisor.
  • The external internship requires the student to carry out a design and/or development activity on a specific business problem proposed, usually, by the company or institution where the internship takes place.

The internship is a training activity separate from the final exam, which instead consists of the thesis that the student presents and discusses in front of a Commission during the Degree session. However, typically, the thesis focuses on the activity carried out during the internship period. In principle, however, nothing prevents the thesis from focusing on a separate topic, identified independently by the student or proposed by a professor.

The activity is included in the study plan of the three-year and master's degree courses and provides for the following number of CFU (with relative duration): 
- Three-year degree, up to the 2016/17 cohort: 9 CFU to which 3 CFU of free choice must be added; - Three-year degree, 2017/18 cohort: 12 CFU (300 hours) (divided into 9 CFU of internship and 3 CFU of "Other useful knowledge for entering the world of work"). To these, 3 CFU of free choice can be added ; -  Three-year degree , from the 2018/19 cohort: 12 CFU (300 hours) to which 3 CFU of free choice must be added. - Master's degree: 6 CFU (150 hours) . As regards the three-year degree, the student cannot carry out the internship before the third year of the course and in any case not before having acquired at least 117 CFU. In the case of previous work activity carried out as an employee of a company, it is possible in specific situations to submit an application for recognition as an internship (see detailed instructions on the requirements and procedure to follow). For both Degree Courses, the FIM Department offers a wide range of activities for internal internships (for information contact the professors) and has agreements with dozens of companies and institutions in the area, offering a rich and constantly updated range of proposals.

The internship referent for the Computer Science Degree Course is Prof. Giacomo Cabri.

For all general information on internships (including the activation process), visit the FIM Internship Office page .

For external internship offers, please consult the INTERNSHIP NOTICE BOARD .

You can also directly consult the following pages of the research groups/teachers of the Degree Course to have more information on some of the proposals:

Finally, students and recent graduates are advised to periodically consult the Notice Board of job and internship offers received by the University, managed by the Placement Office.