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Recognition of work activity


The recognition of an internship based on activities performed for a company is a decision whose purpose is to meet the needs of student workers, but which must be able to be configured as a completed project , and must be documented by a declaration from the company where it was carried out and by a report from the student .

Recognition must be requested after the activity has been carried out (and, in the case of a three-year internship, after having met the requirements to be able to start a normal internship) and there is no guarantee that it will be approved .

It is necessary to specifically request recognition of the internship of N CFU (depending on what is present in your study plan), specifying it in the request ( the duration of the activity must be at least equal to the hours requested, i.e. N x 25 hours , and these hours must be certified by the report and the employer's certificates ). It is not possible to recognize only a part of the internship.

The maximum number of credits that can be recognized for the current system (cohort academic year 23/24) is 12 CFU. The internship activity at a company is not compatible with the request for credits for "Extension of the internship" (3 CFU), as the extension must be functional to an adjustment of the time required to complete a training project in which the time commitment is verifiable and not defined "a posteriori". Therefore, the "Extension of the internship" cannot be attributed for work activity already carried out, but only in the context of a training internship.

In detail, the activity carried out must:

  • have been carried out within a specific time frame (start date, end date);
  • include at least the number of hours required by the internship (it is not necessary for there to be more);
  • have been carried out within an employment contract (which must be produced);
  • be characterized as an intellectual work (of design and/or implementation)
  • have a single and clear objective, consistent with the training path (for example, no call centers);
  • be well defined and characterized in the activities performed (for example, not "software development" but "development of a web application for supplier management").

The application for recognition must be submitted to the student secretariat and must include:

  • the request form that will be provided by the secretariat, filled in with all the data (specifying the CFU of the internship for which recognition is requested, based on your study plan);
  • a copy of the employment contract with the company;
  • a certificate signed by the employer certifying the hours worked (with start and end date and number of hours) in the company with a description of the specific objective that was pursued in these hours;
  • a report on the activity to be recognized, describing the activity carried out, the methods by which the objective was achieved, and the technologies that were exploited; the report may be part of the employer's certificate