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English Language: Entrance Test, Courses and Recognitions

All students enrolled in three-year degree courses in Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics must acquire the ability to speak English, which allows them to acquire 3 CFU. Eligibility consists in the verification of receptive skills (reading and listening) at level B1 of the CEFR Framework ( Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ) and can be obtained according to one of the following methods:

  • Freshmen who will attend the first year of three-year degree courses can take the entrance test for the English language within the first semester of the first year. The test is computerized.  

    By passing the test you automatically acquire the CFU relating to the B1 English language qualification and this will be automatically recorded on esse3 during the first year of studies.  

    There are two test dates for each degree course. The second date, or make-up, is reserved exclusively for those who did not take the test on the first date. You can take the test on only one of the two scheduled dates.   

    The test is strongly recommended for students who already have a good knowledge of the English language (at least B1 level).  
    Students who for various reasons (for example transfer from another University) will be admitted to years subsequent to the first do not have to and cannot take the test, but will have to acquire eligibility by passing the exam or presenting the certification.  

    Information and test calendar at the link:

  • Students who do not pass the test (or decide not to take it) will be able to attend the English lessons taught in blended mode 3 or 4 times a year by the University Language Center and will have to take the relevant exam to acquire the corresponding CFU . 

    Information, registration and organizational methods at the link:

  • Students can present at least B1 level certification to the student secretariat. The certifications present in the list published by the University Language Center will be automatically recognized by the secretariat, the others will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the competent body (Board or Department Council). 

    CFUs acquired through certification are NOT counted for the purposes of the ERGO benefits announcement . They are not, for example, valid for the purpose of achieving the number of credits necessary for scholarships.  

    The recognition of Advanced English (above B1) within the career of a three-year student is not done automatically by the student secretariat but must go through a provision approved by the degree course Council.