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Below in alphabetical order are the contacts of the PTA in the technical area with only some of the practices they currently deal with indicated; the list is not exhaustive but the practices that may interest users are indicated:

  • Antonio BALLESTRAZZI : management of maintenance reports; poster and sign printing; technical support for the use of audio-video devices in classrooms.
  • Consolatino BARALDI : IT contact, Teams contact, MMS contact (Minimum Security Measures), MePA Purchasing Instructor Point, Website contact: department, Third Mission (OUTREACH), research groups, museums.
  • Massimo BENASSI : IT contact for hardware-software installation, network connection, management and maintenance of photocopiers; contact person for identification and provision of Unimore credentials to external staff and guests; contact person for the Technical Office; contact person for the Prevention and Protection Service Office; contact person for Technical Management (management of cleaning services and electrical, heating, plumbing and alarm systems).
  • Susanna CELLI : in charge of the concierge service and general services (distribution of mail and parcels, stationery material and remote control batteries, mainly in the Physics building and, in case of need, in Mathematics. Management of first aid boxes, support for ordering materials for toilet rooms and stationery support for student attendance planning 75 hours.
  • Angela CINQUE : management of classroom reservations for the Department's MO17 and MO18 buildings; evaluation of booking optimization interventions also through coordination between user departments; verification of the compilation of the diaries by the teachers and their archiving for possible availability; inclusion in the queues of the presence of the Department Council and Toghe Referent Committee for Degree and Doctorate ceremonies and inauguration of the academic year.
  • Delfina CORBELLI : concierge service and general services for the Mathematics building (distribution of mail and parcels, stationery and toilet materials, custody and distribution of material for multimedia devices in the classrooms: microphones, batteries, remote controls, etc. .).
  • Stefano DECARLO : Physics teaching laboratory technician: responsible for the preparation of classroom and laboratory experiments, maintenance and purchase of instrumentation; Gestime contact person for the technical and administrative staff of the FIM department (excluding the teaching secretariat staff units) and for the students 75 hours; contact person for the student collaboration office and administrative management of student collaborations and related student records; management of ancient physics instrumentation.
  • Francesca GUAITOLI : support for teaching staff and liaison with the administration for planning purposes; management and reporting of research projects.
  • Enrico GUALTIERI : Moodle platform contact; contact person for assistance, maintenance and technical support for the use of audio-video devices in classrooms.
  • Claudia MENOZZI : local waste management contact (ALR), automatic external defibrillator (AED) contact person, contact person for the purchase of consumables shared between research laboratories.
  • Rita TONINI : manager of the FIM laboratory for the preparation and treatment of advanced materials, purchase, rental and disposal of FIM cylinders, purchase of liquid nitrogen, contact person for the identification of UNIMORE personnel on the IDENTITY platform, support for the management of information regarding the Public Engagement on the IRIS platform.
  • Vincenzo SALERNO : IT contact, websites (Department, Physics and Nanosciences, Italian Quantum Weeks of Unimore), contact for the use of virtual laboratories, Zironi Linux lab, Win, Mac, Linux hardware and software assistance.
  • Adriano ZANIN : Responsible for the concierge service and general services for the Mathematics building (mail and parcel distribution, stationery and toilet materials, storage and distribution of material for the multimedia devices in the classrooms: microphones, batteries, remote controls, etc. .). Basic maintenance worker for the Mathematics building.