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The Department Council, in compliance with the University Regulations and the general criteria established by the Statute and by the Board of Directors, carries out the following functions, referring to the different areas of the life of the Department:

  • elections and appointments,
  • development planning of the Department,
  • organization and coordination of research,
  • organization and management of teaching and training,
  • management of the Department.

For details, please refer to the Department regulations .

The Council is composed of:

  • by all first level professors;
  • by all second level professors;
  • by all researchers, both temporary and permanent;
  • by the representatives of the technical-administrative staff: 
    Antonio Ballestrazzi, Consolatino Baraldi, Massimo Benassi, Angela Cinque, Fortuna Conte, Stefano Decarlo, Enrico Gualtieri, Enrica Maselli, Claudia Menozzi, Rita Tonini, Carolina Tricarico;
  • by the representative of the grant holders: Davide Sapienza;
  • by representatives of undergraduate and doctoral students

Participating in the Council meetings are Dr. Michela Vincenzi (Head of the Teaching Secretariat - with functions of Record-keeping Secretary) and Dr. Giulia Scatasta (Head of the Administrative Secretariat).

The Council is chaired by the Director of the Department.