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The Steering Committee has the task of contributing, with an external and non-self-referential perspective,

  • to the definition of the medium-long term objectives of the Department, both in terms of teaching and research and dissemination,
  • to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Department's activity with respect to the needs and expectations of the context in which it operates.

For details, please refer to the Department regulations.


From the world of school (school leaders and professors):  
Giorgio Goldoni (Teacher of Mathematics - ITIS “L. Da Vinci”, Carpi)  
Giovanna Morini (School Director – Classical and Ling. Muratori High School – San Carlo (MO))  
Andrea Spagni (Doc. Mathematics and Physics - Liceo Sci. e Clas. “Formiggini”, Sassuolo (MO))  
Roberto Zanasi (Teacher of Mathematics – ITI FERMI, Modena)  
Barbara Bonacini (Doc. of Mathematics and Physics – IIS Cattaneo-Dall 'Aglio, Castelnovo ne'Monti, RE)

From the world of industry:  
Marcella Albiero (Melazeta srl, Modena)  
Massimo Bersani (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)  
Giampaolo Giacomozzi (Varvel SpA, Crespellano (BO))  
Marcello Pellacani (Expert System SpA, Modena)  
Filippo Della Casa (Unipol Gruppo Finanziario )  
Stefano Pedrazzi (OTConsulting (RE))  
Massimo Garuti (Democenter)  
Maximilian Romani (Ferrari SpA)  
Paolo Ferriani (Cognotekt GmbH, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)  
Annalisa Delnevo (Democenter-Sipe, Mirandola (MO))  
Marco Medici (LivaNova, Mirandola (MO))  
Silvia Maffini (Credem Banca (RE))  
Cosimo Fiorini (Ammagamma (MO))

From local institutions (Region and Municipality):  
Gianpietro Cavazza (Municipality of Modena)  
Elisabetta Toschi (ASTER, Bologna)  
Luca Panini (Confindustria Emilia)

Marco Aiello (University of Stuttgart, Germany)  
Annalisa Fasolino (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)  
Giorgio Rossi (Department of Physics, University of Milan)  
Valeria Ruggiero (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science , University of Ferrara)  
Massimo Ferri (Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna)

Head of the technical table for the consultation of Interested Parties at Department level:  
Mauro Ferrario

Coordinators of the Department's Study Courses:  
Stefano Frabboni (LT Physics)  
Mauro Leoncini  (LT Computer Science)  
Arrigo Bonisoli (LT Mathematics)  
Paolo Bordone (LM Physics)  
Marco Prato  (LM Mathematics)  
Marco Villani (LM Computer Science)