The Director of the Department for the three-year period 2024/2025 - 2026/2027 is Prof. Sergio Polidoro .
The Deputy Director is Prof. Stefano Frabboni .

Composed of professors, researchers, and representatives of TA staff, students and collaborators, it deliberates on the activities of the Department.

Made up of a small subset of staff and representatives, it plans and organizes activities as delegated by the Council.

Composed of equal numbers of teachers and students, it monitors the offering and quality of teaching, and formulates proposals for improvement.

Elected by the students, they participate in the Department Bodies and offer a reception service to highlight any needs.

Appointed by the Director, they carry out investigative activities on thematic areas established in the regulations, and formulate proposals to the Council.

Groups delegated to manage specific activities and procedures, even on a temporary basis.

Composed of representatives of the school, institutions and industry, it contributes to the definition of the objectives and the evaluation of the work of the Study Courses.

They coordinate and act as referents for the Study Courses offered by the Department.

Points of contact for specific internal activities or relations with the public, also within commissions and working groups.

Manages regulatory, organizational, and accounting procedures.

It supports the organization of teaching activities and acts as an interface for teachers and students.

Manages and supports logistics and IT activities, including in the area of prevention, protection and security services.