Art. 10 – Final test
1. In accordance with the provisions of the Degree Course's didactic organization, the final exam consists of the presentation of a written paper. It is possible to provide for an oral exam aimed at ascertaining the achievement of the course's educational objectives. Below are some examples:
a) in the presentation and discussion of a report on the activity carried out, under the supervision of a teacher or researcher, at external industries, companies or institutions, on the basis of specific agreements, or at a research laboratory of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia or other public or private research institutions;
b) in the presentation and discussion of a project, usually including an experimental and laboratory part, developed under the supervision of a teacher or researcher;
c) in the presentation and discussion of a paper on topics related to the courses of the study plan, assigned by a teacher or a researcher. If the student so wishes, the final exam can be taken in English. In this case, an extended summary of the work/activity carried out must also be prepared in Italian.
2. For each student, a teacher or researcher is identified, who is responsible for following the preparation for the final exam and reporting to the commission. The assignment of the topics and the identification of the teacher or researcher mentioned above take place within two months of the expected graduation date on the basis of a specific request presented by the interested students to the Head of the Degree Course.
3. The judging commissions for the final exam are appointed by the Director of the Department and are composed of 5 members including the President.
Art. 11 – Obtaining a Degree
1. The Degree is obtained with the acquisition of 180 CFU, in compliance with the maximum number of exams or final assessments of the expected profit. The student must also have successfully passed the final exam referred to in the previous article.
2. The methods and criteria for the final evaluation must in any case take into account the student's entire career within the Degree Course, the times and methods of acquiring the CFU, previous training activities and the final exam, as well as any relevant element.
3. The final degree grade is expressed in hundredths. The minimum grade to pass the exam is sixty-six/hundredths. The final grade is made up of the sum:
a) the weighted average of the credits of all the teachings/teaching activities to which a grade is assigned, including the activities freely chosen by the student;
b) the increase in grade, also expressed in hundredths, obtained in the final exam: up to a maximum of seven points for the presentation of the final paper and, for students in progress, from 1 to 3 additional points for the speed of acquisition of credits: 3 points for graduation by July, 2 points for graduation by October, 1 point for graduation in December.
The judging commission may unanimously decide to award honours if, in calculating the final grade using the above-mentioned criteria, the maximum score of one hundred and ten out of one hundred and tenths has already been exceeded.
4. It is possible to obtain the Degree even in a shorter time than the normal duration of the Degree Course (three years). In this case, it is possible to take the assessments of the training activities of the following year of the course only after having passed those of the year of the course in which one is enrolled and those relating to the previous years.