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The final exam consists in the presentation of a thesis in Italian or in the target language of the course of study (English in the case of the master's degree in Physics) elaborated in an original way by the student under the guidance of an academic supervisor and discussed in front of a specific commission judging.

In the case of activities carried out abroad as part of the Erasmus programme, the thesis can be written in the foreign language of the host country, previously agreed with the Course Coordinator. In this case, an extended summary of the thesis in Italian must also be prepared.

Students who intend to graduate, with only a few exams left to take, must agree with an academic supervisor on the topic of the thesis, which will be developed, presented and discussed during the final exam. The topic of the thesis can coincide with the work carried out as part of the internship, if applicable, and the company tutor can possibly assist the academic tutor in supervising the work carried out.

Each degree course has defined timing, operating methods and criteria for assigning points attributed to the final exam within its own teaching regulations: