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  • While leaving students free regarding the format of the report, it is nevertheless suggested to use:
    • Times New Roman font or similar;
    • font size 12 points;
    • line spacing maximum 1.5;
    • page size A4 (29.7cm - 21cm);
    • the distances from the margins of the sheet not less than 2 cm and not more than 3 cm, except the distance from the left margin which can also be 3.5 cm to facilitate binding.
  • On the basis of the provisions of the Academic Senate (11/03/1997) the University Logo cannot be reproduced and affixed to degree theses (neither on the title page nor on the individual internal pages).
    The University Logo cannot be reproduced or affixed even in the presentation of the thesis during the degree exam.
  • Example of a title page for three-year theses: doc , rtf , pdf
  • The title page of master's theses is automatically generated by MoReThesis.
  • It is important to use the sources correctly and build the reference bibliography correctly, avoiding plagiarism of the sources. For further information, refer to the document " Thesis and copyright: instructions for undergraduates and doctoral students " prepared by SBA UniMoRe .
  • UniMoRe is equipped with " Turnitin " anti-plagiarism software which can be used at any time by thesis supervisors to check the papers produced by the students, both to dissuade the latter from copying and pasting and to prevent problems already during the preparation phase of the thesis .