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  1. From 60 days and WITHIN 30 DAYS before the graduation session:
    • COMPILATION and insertion into Esse3 of the application for obtaining the qualification and the deposit of the thesis title .    
      Complete the graduation application until the end of the procedure which consists of: choosing the graduation session; declare the exams in your career and enter the title of the thesis in Italian; name of rapporteur and possible co-supervisor; the teaching activity to which the thesis refers and the type: research or compilation; 5 keywords.
  2. From 60 days and WITHIN 21 DAYS before the graduation session
    • Possible modification of the data relating to the thesis title deposit by esse3 .
    • PAYMENT of stamps : under "Taxes" the 32 euro invoice to be paid is available, including the two stamps for the degree application and for collecting the parchment.
  3. WITHIN 3 DAYS before the graduation exam
    • FINAL ASSESSMENT: upload the complete and definitive file of the thesis in PDF format directly into Esse3 in "Completion of thesis" in the "Qualification notice board".

      The supervisor will have to approve or reject the file and the student will receive the email with the relevant communication.
