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Data Science Curriculum

The Data Science Curriculum of the Master's Degree in Mathematics provides a solid preparation, more in-depth on some specific aspects of Mathematics, with the aim of training a highly professional figure in the work sectors that require advanced skills in the field of Mathematics. With this path, students will acquire knowledge and skills in Machine Learning, Statistics, Big Data, Signal Analysis and Python programming that will allow them to become reference figures for applied research both in the corporate and industrial fields and in the academic environment.

Some recent experiences of students who have continued their careers within local companies:

Cristiano Pifferi (AA 2022/23) 
Thesis: “ Motion forecasting for autonomous driving races: a deep learning approach ” 
Postgraduate position: AI Developer at RE:LAB srl – Reggio Emilia.

Rosario Salzano (AA 2022/2023) 
Thesis: “ Machine Learning methods to analyze the predictive power of sentiment indices ” 
Postgraduate position: Analyst at CRIF - Bologna.

Luca Toffanetti (AA 2022/2023) 
Thesis: “ New results on factor sets in regular graphs ” 
Postgraduate position: Data scientist at Data Reply - Italy.

Chiara Canali (AA 2022/2023) 
Thesis: “ Non-linear Bayesian regression and Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms: theory and applications for interpretable machine learning methods ” 
Post-graduate position: Business data analyst at Globant - Modena.

Chiara Fanton (AA 2022/2023) 
Thesis: “ Study and implementation of production logics for a Job Shop Problem in a PMI ” 
Post-graduate position: Optimization data scientist at Accenture - Modena.

Ivonne Valente (AA 2022/23)  
Thesis: “ Study, analysis and implementation of algorithms for the detection and tracking of drones ”  
Post-graduate employment: Data analyst at RINA Italy - La Spezia

Davide Manini (AA 2022/23)  
Thesis: “ Regression algorithms for the forecasting of time series: Application to the price of coffee ”  
Post-graduate employment: Data analyst at TDS - Srl - Modena

Michelangelo Culiat (AA 2021/22)  
Thesis: “ Applications of standard ML techniques and Multi-Objective Symbolic Regression for the management of bank mortgages ”  
Post-graduate employment: Junior Data Scientist at Credem Banca - Reggio Emilia

Salvatore d'Amicis (AA 2021/2022)  
Thesis: " Machine Learning Monitoring 
Post-graduate employment: Data scientist at Ammagamma - Modena

Marco Segapeli (AA 2020/2021)  
Thesis: " Online Markerless Stereo Camera Calibration: an industrial perspective to refinement of extrinsic parameters 
Post-graduate employment: Programmer analyst at Deep Vision Consulting - Modena

Federica Casari (AA 2020/2021)  
Thesis: " The traveling salesman problem: resolution methods and application to a business reality 
Post-graduate employment: Software engineering at Emmegisoft - Soliera

Laura Barbieri (AA 2020/2021)  
Thesis: " Automatic algorithms for the selection of isodose levels in the planning of dose painting treatments in radiotherapy 
Post-graduate employment: Applied mathematician at Pure Power Control srl - Modena

Tommaso Bertocchi (AA 2020/2021)  
Thesis: " Prediction of the Behavior of Time Series, Comparison between Stochastic Models and Machine Learning 
Post-graduate employment: Analyst at SDG Group Italy - Milan

Chiara Fruncillo (AA 2019/2020)  
Thesis: " Development of indicators for measuring and managing company performance: the Tetra Pak case "  Post-graduate employment: PLC Data Analyst at Tetra Pak – Modena

Giulia Beltrami (AA 2019/2020)  
Thesis: " Machine Learning Algorithms for the Analysis and Classification of Textual Content "  Post-Graduate Employment: Software Engineer at OT Consulting – Reggio Emilia

Valentina Pazzarelli (AA 2019/2020)  
Thesis: " Energy: planning of SMART GRID energy distribution systems 
Post-graduate employment: Analyst at Minsait - Rome

Greta Meglioli (AA 2019/2020)  
Thesis: " Feature engineering of Convolutional Neural Networks in biological imaging 
Post-graduate employment: scholarship holder at the IRCCS in Advanced Technologies and Care Models in Oncology - Reggio Emilia

Mandatory courses:

• Higher Analysis (MATH-03/A – 12 CFU)

• Stochastic processes (MATH-03/B – 6 CFU)

• Computational and statistical learning (MATH-05/A – 9 CFU)

• Advanced scientific English (3 CFU)

• Introduction to scientific Python (3 CFU)


12 CFU to be chosen from the following characterising courses:

• Statistical mechanics (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU)

• Stochastic methods for simulations (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU)

• Digital processing of signals and images (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU)

• Numerical optimization for artificial intelligence (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU)


From 6 to 18 CFU to be chosen from the following similar courses (*):

• Algebraic structures (MATH-02/A – 6 CFU)

• Computational topology (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU, in English)

• Higher geometry (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)

• Discrete Mathematics (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)

• Calculus of variations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)

• Evolution equations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)

• Systems of interacting particles (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU)

• Inverse problems and applications (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU)

• Introduction to quantum information processing (PHYS-04/A – 6 CFU, in English)


From 0 to 18 CFU freely chosen from the University's educational offering (**)

Mandatory courses:

• Graph theory (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)


From 6 to 18 CFU to be chosen from the following similar courses (*):

• Higher algebra (MATH-02/A – 6 CFU)

• Algebraic curves (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)

• Geometric topology of manifolds (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)

• Convex analysis and optimization (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)

• Partial differential equations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)

• Scientific data processing (CHEM-01/A – 6 CFU)

• Elements of quantum physics (PHYS-04/A – 6 CFU)

• Distributed algorithms (INFO-01/A – 6 CFU)

• Complex systems (INFO-01/A – 6 CFU, in English)

• Big data analytics (IINF-05/A – 6 CFU)


From 0 to 18 CFU freely chosen from the University's educational offering (**)


Further training activities (3 CFU) to be chosen from:

• Seminar activity

• Internship in the company

• Further computer skills

• Further language skills


Final exam (24 CFU)


(*) the total number of credits for related courses between the first and second year must be 24 CFU

(**) the total number of credits for elective courses between the first and second year must be 18 CFU