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A new teacher in Theoretical-Computational Physics

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Federico Grasselli
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A new scientific and professional adventure begins today for Federico Grasselli as a "tenure track" researcher at the FIM after a strict selection. 

After obtaining a master's degree in Physics and a doctorate in Physics and Nanosciences in Modena, Federico spent three years at the condensed matter theory group of SISSA in Trieste, and then moved in 2020 to the Polytechnic of Lausanne, where he remained for 4 years, also obtaining the prestigious "Marie Skłodowska Curie" grant from the European Union to study electrical and thermal conduction in ionic systems, a crucial topic for new generation batteries. Over the years, Federico has become interested in the microscopic description of charge and heat transport at the nanoscale, with "first principles" methods supported by Machine Learning techniques capable of enormously speeding up calculations. Federico was among the proponents of a network (COST Action "DAEMON") funded by the EU with half a million euros to apply data science to the study of new materials.

From the next academic year, Federico will contribute to the "Physics" Master's Degree with the "Machine Learning for Scientific Applications" course and the "Solid state physics" course.

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