Art. 10 – Final test
1. In accordance with the provisions of the Degree Course's teaching regulations, the final exam consists of the preparation of a written paper (thesis), produced independently by the student under the guidance of an academic supervisor, and the subsequent public discussion of the paper in the presence of a special judging commission. If the student so requests, the final exam may be taken in English. In this case, the paper must also contain an extended summary in Italian.
2. Students who intend to graduate must agree with an academic supervisor on the topic of the thesis that will be developed, presented and discussed in the final exam. Usually the topic of the thesis concerns courses of the study plan.
3. The judging commissions for the final exam are appointed by the Director of the Department. Each commission is composed of no less than 5 and no more than 9 members, including the President: each commission will normally be composed of 7 members.
Art. 11 – Obtaining a Degree
1. The Degree is obtained with the acquisition of 180 CFU, in compliance with the maximum number of exams or final assessments of the expected profit. The student must also have successfully passed the final exam referred to in the previous article.
2. The methods and criteria for the final evaluation must in any case take into account the student's entire career within the Degree Course, the times and methods of acquiring the CFU, previous training activities and the final exam, as well as any relevant element.
3. The final degree grade is expressed in hundredths. The minimum grade to pass the exam is sixty-six hundredths. The final grade is made up of the sum:
a) the weighted average of the CFU of all the exams to which a grade is attributed taken or recognised during the student's academic career;
b) the increase/decrease in grade, also expressed in hundredths, obtained in the final exam: up to a maximum of 4 points for the presentation of the final paper; the judging commission, on the proposal of the President, has 1 additional point available for the evaluation of the final paper, in cases deemed special (for example in the presence of extreme originality or other elements of distinction); for students in progress, additional points are provided for the speed of acquisition of the CFU, precisely 2 points for the degree by October and 1 point for the degree in the months of November and December of the academic year in question.
The judging commission may unanimously decide to award honors if the maximum score of one hundred and ten out of one hundred and tenths has already been reached in calculating the final grade using the aforementioned criteria.
4. It is possible to obtain the degree even in a shorter time than the normal duration of the Degree Course (three years). It is possible to take the assessments of the training activities of the following year of the course only after having passed those of the year of the course in which one is enrolled and those relating to the previous years.