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The Joint Committee of Professors and Students (CPDS) is a body of the Department and is made up of an equal number of teachers and students.

In order to guarantee impartiality, the Presidents of the Degree Programmes, the members of the QA Management Groups of the Degree Programmes, the Department Directors/Faculty Presidents, the Department Quality Managers (RQD) and the members of the Quality Commissions cannot be part of the CPDS. departmental.

The CPDS is coordinated by a teacher chosen from among the members of the commission itself.

The CPDS has the main task of annually drawing up a detailed report for the CdS, which takes into consideration the overall training offer, with particular reference to the results of the survey of student opinion, indicating any specific problems for the individual CdS. 

The CPDS annual report must reach the Evaluation Unit (NdV) and the University Quality Assurance (PQA), as well as the Departments/Faculties and the CdS involved, who accept it and take action to develop proposals for improvement (in collaboration with the CPDS). The relevant aspects of this process are highlighted both in the NdV Reports and in the RRCs.

The CPDS has the following tasks:

  • carry out monitoring activities of the training offer and the quality of teaching, as well as the service activities for students by professors and researchers;
  • identify indicators for evaluating results;
  • formulate proposals for improving the Quality of the Courses;
  • formulate opinions on the activation and suppression of CdS.


Andrea Sacchetti (President), Alberto Rota, Alessandro Capotondi, Maria Manfredini, Marco Beleggia, Nicola Capodieci e dagli studenti Silvia Debenedittis (LT Fisica), Clelia Picci (LT Informatica), Annamaria Grana (LT Matematica), Marco Fortunati (LM Physics), Steve loic Safack Mdemaya (LM Informatica), Daniele Nassisi (LM Matematica).