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The PhD School in Physics and Nanoscience of the FIM Department at UniMORE has recently signed a bilateral agreement with the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (USP), in Brazil, for a double degree program. PhD students at UniMORE have the possibility to spend between 12 and 18 months in São Paulo, to develop projects under the joint supervision of researchers from both institutions.

The University of São Paulo (USP) consistently ranks among the top universities in Latin America, boosting over 40 programs in the top-100 list worldwide. With almost 100 thousand students and 6 thousand professors, USP is responsible for over one quarter of the total scientific and technological production of Brazil. It is located in the city of São Paulo, a vibrant and cosmopolitan metropolis of over 20 million people, famous for its exciting cultural life, iconic architecture, rich gastronomy and exhilarating night life.

The Institute of Physics (IFUSP) was founded in 1970 and employs about 140 professors, working in the most diverse research areas, including high energy physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, biophysics and atmospheric physics, applied physics and physics education, among others. The IFUSP has awarded over 1400 MSc’s and over 1100 PhD’s since its foundation and has around 300 MSc and PhD students at any given time, making it an extremely stimulating place to visit and to work in.

A maximum of two students per year may be selected to partake in the program, which grants a final diploma with the double UniMORE-USP affiliation. The selected participants do not pay university taxes in Brazil and continue to be subject to the rules of the PhD School in Physics and Nanoscience at the FIM Department, having access to funds to make their exchange program possible.