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General Curriculum

The General Curriculum of the Master's Degree in Mathematics provides in-depth preparation on both theoretical and applied aspects of Mathematics, in order to introduce the student to the field of scientific research. The aim of this path is to deal with theoretical and fundamental topics of the main areas of mathematics, leaving the student ample opportunity to characterize his/her study plan on the preferred disciplines through a suitable number of optional and free choice courses.

The training path of the future researcher can continue with the PhD in Mathematics in collaboration with the Ferrara and Parma campuses, which boasts a particularly large and very active Teaching Board on numerous research topics.

Some recent experiences of students who continued their career with a PhD scholarship:

Caterina Giovanzana (AA 2023/2024)   
Thesis: “ Towards the complex plane: a historical-epistemological analysis of the first    
graphical representations of complex numbers. The contributions of Wallis, Wessel, Argand and Gauss. ”   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Physics - University of Trento.

Chiara Grisendi (AA 2023/2024)   
Thesis: “ An investigation into the dynamic conceptualization of the density of Q in R. Analysis of spontaneous conceptions and arguments of secondary school students ”   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Pisa.

Valentina Zanni (AA 2023/2024)   
Thesis: “ The Secondary–Tertiary Transition in mathematics education: the case of    
trigonometry ”    
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio   
Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Elisabetta Benedetti (AA 2022/2023)   
Thesis: “ Evolution of Neural Networks: from the past to the future - A comparative analysis of Transformers and DCT-Formers in Natural Language Processing ”   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio   
Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Giovanni Giliberti (AA 2022/2023)    
Thesis: " Non-local solutions of evolutionary processes and their controllability   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Giacomo Bertazzoni (AA 2021/2022)    
Thesis: " An introduction about Young measures and their applications to supremal functionals   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Giulio Pecorella (AA 2021/2022)    
Thesis: " An approach based on Kolmogorov operators to a Kuramoto model with inertia   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Elena Govi ​​(AA 2020/2021)    
Thesis: ” Cerebral Tissues Classification based on Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Images ”    
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Andrea Torricelli (AA 2019/2020)    
Thesis: " Limits of Non-Local Anisotropic Perimeters "   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Mirco Piccinini (AA 2019/2020)    
Thesis: " A variant of the Perron method for the Dirichlet problem related to evolution operators   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Danilo Pezzi (AA 2019/2020)    
Thesis: " Convex analysis and optimization: splitting methods   
Postgraduate position: PhD in Mathematics - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Parma.

Mandatory courses: 
• Higher geometry (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU) 
• Higher analysis (MATH-03/A – 12 CFU) 
• Statistical mechanics (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU) 
• Advanced scientific English (3 CFU)

12 CFU to be chosen from the following characterizing courses: 
• Stochastic processes (MATH-03/B – 6 CFU) 
• Stochastic methods for simulations (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU) 
• Systems of interacting particles (MATH-04/A – 6 CFU) 
• Numerical optimization for artificial intelligence (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU) 
• Inverse problems and applications (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU)

From 6 to 18 CFU to be chosen from the following similar courses (*): 
• Fundamentals of algebra and geometry (MATH-01/B – 6 CFU) 
• Fundamentals of logic and mathematical analysis (MATH-01/B – 6 CFU) 
• Algebraic structures (MATH-02/A) 
• Computational topology (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU, in English) 
• Discrete mathematics (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU) 
• Calculus of variations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU) 
• Evolution equations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)

From 0 to 18 CFU freely chosen from the University's educational offering (**)


Mandatory courses:
• Higher algebra (MATH-02/A – 6 CFU)
• Numerical processing of signals and images (MATH-05/A – 6 CFU)

From 6 to 18 CFU to be chosen from the following similar courses (*):
• History of mathematics I (MATH-01/B – 6 CFU)
• History of mathematics II (MATH-01/B – 6 CFU)
• Algebraic curves (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)
• Graph theory (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)
• Geometric topology of varieties (MATH-02/B – 6 CFU)
• Convex analysis and optimization (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)
• Partial differential equations (MATH-03/A – 6 CFU)
• Elements of quantum physics (PHYS-04/A – 6 CFU)
• Complex systems (INFO-01/A – 6 CFU, in English)

From 0 to 18 CFU freely chosen from the University's educational offering (**)

Further training activities (3 CFU) to be chosen from:
• Seminar activity
• Internal internship
• Further linguistic skills

Final exam (24 CFU)

(*) the total number of credits for related courses between the first and second year must be 24 CFU
(**) the total number of credits for free choice courses between the first and second year must be 18 CFU