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1. Are buildings MO17 (Physics) and MO18 (Math) alarmed? 
Yes. Both are under alarm.

2. What happens when the alarm goes off? 
When the alarm goes off, external security comes to inspect the building.

3. What happens when an employee, who for functional reasons is in the building outside of opening hours, respecting the procedures established by the University for working alone, inadvertently sets off the alarm? 
An employee who for functional reasons is in the building outside of opening hours, respecting the procedures established by the University for working alone, and inadvertently sets off the alarm is STRICTLY required to wait for the security guards to arrive to explain what happened and avoid an inspection of the entire building.

4. Is there a cost for the security intervention following the activation of the alarm? 
For a limited and predetermined monthly number of interventions we are not required to pay, after this threshold additional costs will be computed to the Department. The Department has the right to recover from employees who inadvertently set off the alarm when they are present in the Department outside of opening hours.

5. Is it possible to deactivate the alarm in advance for special events (e.g. evening or Saturday conferences)? If so, how? 
Yes. It is possible to deactivate the alarm for special events with the following procedure. The person in charge of organizing the special event must make a preventive request for deactivation for a special event by email to the person in charge of spaces and security of the FIM (Prof. Rossella Brunetti) WITHIN 3 working days before the event (NON-DEROGABLE DEADLINE) specifying the nature of the event, the date and time slot in which the alarm deactivation is requested. The person in charge of spaces and security of the FIM will forward this request to the company in charge of surveillance and, for information, to the surveyor Loretta Lodi of the technical office and to the applicant who organizes the event.

6. What happens if the event organizer and the person requesting the alarm deactivation do not receive, for information, the request that the person responsible for the spaces and security of the FIM should have forwarded to the company responsible for surveillance? 
Normally this event should not happen; however, it is possible that, due to a mere material error or temporary unavailability of the person responsible for the spaces and security of the FIM, the request was not forwarded successfully to the company responsible for surveillance. In this case, the event organizer must contact the Management of the FIM within 1 working day before the event and inform them of the failure to receive the message.
