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Face to face with science

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a tu per tu con la scienza
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An orientation event for high schools at the Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences of Unimore

From 10 to 14 June 2024, the FIM hosts the "Face to Face with Science" initiative, an important opportunity for orientation and development of transversal skills for around 60 high school students in the Modena and Reggio Emilia area to get in touch directly with the world of physics, computer science and mathematics.

On Monday 10 June, in room L1.3 of the Physics building of the Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences of Unimore, from 9.30 to 17.00, an orientation day entitled "Science is my profession" will be held !”. High school students have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the department's disciplines and to discover the numerous employment opportunities that the job market offers to graduates in physics, computer science and mathematics. The day includes interventions by professionals graduated in these disciplines, currently employed at important local, national and international companies, or active in teaching, who share their work experiences and describe how the degree in these subjects has positively influenced their careers.

The "Face to Face with Science" initiative continues throughout the week from 10 to 14 June. Students in their final years of secondary schools, selected for their interest in the disciplines of the department, have the opportunity to work closely with researchers and professors at the University. The program includes seminar and laboratory activities and moments of re-elaboration of the topics covered, to deepen their knowledge in physics, computer science and mathematics. At the end of the week, the traditional "contest" is held, where students, divided into small groups, present in an original and creative way a concept or topic chosen from those covered, using only commonly used objects. The best presentations are rewarded with Unimore gadgets and popular science books.

All the week's initiatives are coordinated by the commission for the dissemination of scientific culture of the Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, chaired by Prof. Michela Eleuteri.

“Our PCTOs represent a fundamental tool for presenting our activities to students, who will be the professionals of tomorrow” - says Prof. Michela Eleuteri - “providing them with valuable information that can help them orient themselves in their training and professional path. We are confident that the commitment and dedication of our team in organizing events with schools will make this event an interesting moment of learning for the students who will participate, and allow us to continue to be a constant point of reference for schools and teachers in the area.”

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