Speaker: prof. Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Instute of Technology)
We study large deviation properties of symmetric interacting particle systems. A notable example is the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process, for which the large deviation principle had been established by Kipnis, Olla and Varadhan in 1989. There is also a general scheme on large deviation of symmetric models, known as the macroscopic fluctuation theory (MFT), developed by Jona-Lasinio et al since around 2000.
Recently some explicit formulas have been found for rate functions for its integrated current by the method of integrable probability and through a connection to classical integrable systems.
In this presentation we explain these for a few symmetric interacting particle systems.
We will also discuss a new type of large deviation for a class of models with spin “s”, which may be considered as a discretized version of MFT.
The talk is based on collaborations with T. Imamura, K. Mallick, H. Moriya, C. Giardinà and H. Suda