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The Department's Quality Manager (DQM), is Anna Franchini .

The Manager coordinates the Department Quality Commission composed of:  Andrea Alessandrini  (physical area),  Silvia Bonettini  (mathematics area),  Luca Bedogni (IT area) and  Alice Ruini  (Research) and  Valentina de Renzi  (Third Mission). 

Administrative staff supporting the Quality Manager

  • Enrica Maselli  (Technical administrative staff - Teaching)

The Quality Commission carries out the functions of Quality Control on behalf of the Department and assists the Director and the Department Board, with investigative, coordination and operational functions in the field of self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation of the scientific, teaching and management structures of the Department . The members of the Quality Commission are appointed by the Department Council upon proposal of the Director. 

The Quality Commission has existed as a permanent commission since the establishment of the FIM Department in 2012. In the Department Council of 12 October 2023, the expansion of the commission to include the head of the Research Commission and the Third Mission Commission was approved, as envisaged in the 2023 strategic plan. 25.


The DQM ensures the connection between the University Quality Assurance and peripheral structures (Department, Courses of Study, Joint Teacher-Student Commission). It also provides support and consultancy in the field of teaching, assisting the Presidents of the CdS and the Review Groups, as well as in research and the third mission.

The DQM is appointed by the Department Council upon proposal of the Director, after consulting the PQA. The role is incompatible with the office of President (or equivalent figure) of the Board of Directors, member of the CPDS, Director/President of the Department/Faculty. The position lasts three years and can be renewable consecutively only once.

The DQM, assisted by the Quality Commission, has, in particular, the following tasks:

  • provide advice and support to the Department Directors for the drafting of the Department's Three-Year Plan (currently includes the SUA-RD) and for the drafting of the Annual Monitoring and Review Report;
  • monitor the correct performance of the activities included in the Department's Three-Year Plans and in the review activities of Research and the Third Departmental Mission;
  • Monitor the teaching activities of the CdS, provide advice and support to the CdS for the drafting of SUA-CdS, SMA, RAMAQ-CdS and the RRC
  • provide advice and support to CPDS for drafting the annual report;
  • Support the PQA in disseminating QA information to Department staff