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From FIM to companies

Collaboration methods

The Department collaborates with industries and institutions both through third-party research contracts and through fee-based services. 

The Department is equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation for the resolution of various types of problems and provides professional services from teachers/researchers engaged in the professional sector of interest. Some examples of services provided are indicated below.

Brief description of the service

  • PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) – Deposition of films on laboratory specimens
  • XPS (Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) – Surface chemical analysis and related data analysis
  • tribo – measurement of friction and respective wear of tribological couplings on laboratory specimens, and related data analysis
  • AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) – surface analysis via AFM system and related data analysis.
  • Indentation – measurement of hardness and Young's modulus on laboratory specimens and related data analysis.
  • Scratch test – measurement of adhesion of coatings on laboratory specimens and related data analysis
  • SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis) FIB (Focused Ion Beam) – morphological-compositional measurements of surfaces
  • Feasibility analysis of real-time applications
  • Measurement and profiling of the response times of computational processes
  • Data analysis of industrial applications
  • Training on advanced topics
  • Definition of algorithms
  • Implementation of a software prototype
  • Materials Treatment Laboratory - Heat treatments and electrical resistivity measurements of layers in air with van der Pauw method and measurement of the Hall coefficient

Dissemination of research results

FIM teaching and research staff periodically organize opportunities to disseminate research results to a corporate audience. The events, often organized together with the dissemination activities of international research projects, involve both local companies and members of the project's industrial advisory boards.

Training for companies

FIM staff holds training courses and seminars for companies. Similar initiatives are typically organized at company headquarters. A list of companies involved in similar initiatives over the last three years is shown below, followed by descriptions of some events.

  • Optoengineering
  • ReplicaSistemi
  • PE labellers
  • Edilmati
  • MiTech
  • Bondioli & Pavesi
  • FM electronics
  • Initialscom
  • MyNet
  • Molino Pasini
  • BPR Group
  • Belleli
  • Earthquake
  • SACMI Verona
  • TEA
  • Zanotti (DAIKIN)
  • Connecting Hub (Thun group)
  • Variations
  • Manpower
  • xPlants
  • MTA

From companies to FIM

The FIM periodically hosts seminar-type events at its offices in which companies can present the internship opportunities they offer to students, facilitating meetings and dialogue on the job opportunities offered by local businesses. 

Internships and internships

The curricular internship is an activity included in the study plan of most of the Department's study courses which allows you to complete your university education and acquire the corresponding CFU. The internship can be carried out in structures outside the University (companies, public bodies, professional firms, etc.).

The FIM has many internships under its belt carried out in local companies, which have allowed students to enter a working context.

Available external internship proposals can be evaluated on the University's Notice Board . Companies that intend to activate an internship must:

  • Register on the Almalaurea platform
  • Fill out the form to insert a new agreement
  • Fill out the form to insert a new training project

Detailed instructions can be found on the Internship Management page . If necessary, contact the teaching secretariat