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The curriculum

Theoretical physics provides the underlying mathematical description of the physical entities and phenomena of the universe, from the fundamental interactions of elementary particles to cosmology, seeking for a unified quantum theory of gravity, to the context of condensed-matter physics, where the solution of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics explains and predicts the most intriguing properties of materials or establishes the working principles of quantum computers.

Computational physics, with more and more sophisticated simulations powered by high-performance computing infrastructures and data analytics, is now emerging as a methodological area of physics on its own, pairing to the traditional theoretical and experimental approaches to investigate materials and devices from their atomic constituents.

Theoretical and computational physics team up to perform more and more accurate simulations of matter and its interaction with several types of radiation, to design artificial materials for groundbreaking technologies, for example for the clean energy revolution or revolutionary quantum technologies.

Moreover, we offer courses covering astrophysics and astronomy, with focus on the evolution of galaxies and black holes throughout the cosmological evolution, again by leveraging modern theoretical and computational approaches.

This curriculum offers an in-depth preparation in both theoretical and computational methods of physics, which allow you to undertake a doctoral program as well as to enter the job market, well equipped with mathematical and computational skills, combined with a deep knowledge of the fundamental physical effects which underlie most contemporary technologies.


Choose from the vast list of elective courses to design your study plan and specialize in a specific area. You can also choose any two courses from another curriculum to complete your professional preparation. Here are some suggested study plans for this curriculum:

Do you need further information or advices to design your study plan within this curriculum? Contact the curriculum coordinator Prof. Olindo Corradini or the chair Prof. Paolo Bordone