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Teacher training courses (DPCM 4.8.2023)

The academic path of initial training and qualification of lower and upper secondary school teachers has recently been redefined (DPCM 4.8.2023).

The Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences is currently activating training courses for upper secondary schools in the following competitive classes (currently being accredited by the MUR):

  • A-20 Physics
    Maximum number of students admitted: 10
    Course director: Prof. Valentina De Renzi
  • A-26 Mathematics
    Maximum number of students admitted: 34
    Course director: Prof. Michela Eleuteri
  • A-27 Mathematics and physics
    Maximum number of students 20
    Course director: Prof. Michela Eleuteri
  • A-41 Computer sciences and technologies
    Maximum number of students 25
    Course director: Prof. Manuela Montangero
  • B-16 Computer science and technology laboratories
    Maximum number of students 12
    Course director: Prof. Giacomo Cabri

For more information and teaching schedules see the
page dedicated to the enabling training paths for secondary schools.

For any request for clarification, contact Prof. Michela Eleuteri .


The A-28 Mathematics and science training courses for lower secondary schools are provided by the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences .

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