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Biological structures, from a single protein to cells and tissues, are subjected to physical laws. You can deal with the study of these systems with the typical methods exploited by physics. This approach includes both experimental and theoretical techniques. At the same time, the biological world could provide new interesting and appealing problems to physicists.

Within this curriculum you can specialize in some theoretical and experimental methods to face biophysical research topics. By choosing courses specifically designed for this purpose, you will acquire the skills to address a biological problem from the point of view of physics and you will have the possibility of preparing yourself for attending specific PhD programs.

Within this curriculum you can also decide to specialize yourself in topics related to applied physics -one of which, medical physics, is related to bio-physics-. Most current technologies, from consumer electronics to diagnostic equipment, use fundamental physical effects and (nano) materials to perform key functions. In technology, physics strongly interfaces with engineering, mathematics, computer science, medicine and other applied field. Mixing fundamental physics courses and disciplines related to applied mathematics, engineering and computer science, this curriculum aims at providing students with a broad range of competences particularly attractive in industrial high-tech environments.


Choose from the vast list of elective courses to design your study plan and specialize in a specific area. You can also choose any two courses from another curriculum to complete your professional preparation. Here are some suggested study plans for this curriculum:


Do you need further information or advices to design your study plan within this curriculum? Contact the curriculum coordinator Prof. Andrea Alessandrini or the chair Prof. Paolo Bordone